FoxGrowth ETL:

Easily onboard your data to Segment

A nifty tool that takes your data and carefully sends it to Segment.

The plight of the modern marketer

We've been in your position: you can see the data, but you can't use the data.

Easily onboard your data

FoxRoll takes a CSV of your data and sends it to Segment. All the CSV needs to include is the customer's email address (or id) and then columns for what attributes you wish to send to Segment. We take each row and then write those columns to the relevant user.



FoxRoll checks for things like columns with wry data - such as if a column is supposed to be an integer, and there is a string.

FoxRoll then lets you preview the data, we'll tell you what data we're going to write for what specific user. Spot check away. We know how precious your Segment schema is.

FoxRoll can even be setup to onboard this data automatically from an S3 bucket. We'll onboard the data, confirm its valid, write when FoxRoll ran to Segment, and then we'll send you an email. Each night.



$ Free
Up to 1000 users
$ 200 /month
Up to 10k rows
$ 1,500 /month
Over 10k users

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Our Experience

We've helped some of the fastest growing, most innovative and largest brands grow.